Lucas Sterzinger


Hi! My name is Lucas, and I’m a Scientific Software Developer at NASA’s Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information Services Center GES DISC.

I recently finished my PhD at the UC Davis Atmospheric Science Graduate Group working in the Cloud Physics Research Group

I’m passionate about open source and open science.

This website is hosted on Github Pages using alshedivat’s “al-folio” theme. You can see the source code for this site here.


Mar 20, 2024 The last paper from my PhD: Above-cloud concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei help to sustain some Arctic low-level clouds is now available on ACP
Feb 27, 2023 I successfully defended my PhD! My dissertation is titled Ice, Liquid, and Aerosol: Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties and Processes in Regional and Large Eddy Simulations
Jul 12, 2022 My latest paper Do Arctic mixed-phase clouds sometimes dissipate due to insufficient aerosol? Evidence from comparisons between observations and idealized simulations is now available on ACP
Jul 19, 2021 I just published an article on Zarr-like access of cloud-hosted NetCDF4 on Pangeo’s Medium publication
Jun 24, 2021 I just published a Medium post on adding lat/lon to GOES L2 data

latest posts

selected publications

  1. ACP
    Above-cloud concentrations of cloud condensation nuclei help to sustain some Arctic low-level clouds
    L. J. Sterzinger, and A. L. Igel
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2024
  2. ACP
    Do Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds Sometimes Dissipate Due to Insufficient Aerosol? Evidence from Comparisons between Observations and Idealized Simulations
    Lucas J. Sterzinger, Joseph Sedlar, Heather Guy, Ryan R. Neely III, and Adele L. Igel
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Jul 2022
  3. JHM
    The Effects of Ice Habit on Simulated Orographic Snowfall
    Lucas J Sterzinger, and Adele L Igel
    Journal of Hydrometeorology, Jul 2021